Core Policy
The Al Mutawa Marine safety policy is that the health and welfare of its people are the most important considerations in any undertaking. Additionally, the protection of company assets and the environment are also primary concerns. No job is so important that we cannot take the time to do it properly, and therefore complete it safely. This philosophy better enables Al Mutawa Marine to deliver the highest quality services to its customers and the best performance for its shareholders.
It is, therefore, Al Mutawa Marine’s policy to provide a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards, to provide accident prevention programs and systems, and to comply with applicable national and international regulations. Understanding that safety, accident prevention and environmental protection are operational responsibilities, this policy requires all employees at all levels to be responsible for the prevention of job-related injuries and illnesses, property damage and environmental accidents through the use of their good judgment and the diligent and consistent application of company guidelines and procedures. Employee safety performance will always be a major consideration in decisions affecting promotions, salaries and continued employment. The company’s collective safety performance will be the measure of success of this policy.
It is the intention of Al Mutawa Marine to conduct all of its operations in such a manner as to minimize any actions that will endanger or harm the environment. Al Mutawa Marine is aware of, and is sensitive to, the ecological balances necessary to be maintained between mankind’s activities and nature’s beauty and abundance. Our policy is one of responsible environmental stewardship; our objective is to prevent pollution in our operations. The company and its employees will follow all applicable regulatory and compliance standards to prevent pollution or environmental damage to the lands, waters and air in which they work. Furthermore, vendors, subcontractors and others who visit or work at company locations and facilities will be held accountable for ensuring that environmentally sound practices, and applicable laws and procedures are followed. Environmental pollution hazards or violations of this policy should be brought to the immediate attention of management.
The following summary is distributed widely throughout the company and is posted on office and vessel bulletin boards Company-wide:
- People are the most important consideration in any undertaking
- Provide a safe, hazard free working environment
- Protect employee health and company property
- Prevent pollution by adherence to applicable laws and standards
- Promote safe and efficient operations
It is the policy of Al Mutawa Marine to provide a safe, hazard free, working environment to protect employee health and company property and to promote safe and efficient operations.
The manufacturer, use, possession (including trace amounts in or on the person), concealment, transportation, promotion, distribution or sale of contraband on Al Mutawa Marine premises or while in transit to or from the company premises by employees is strictly prohibited.
The use, possession or consumption of alcohol, drugs or other mood-altering substances on Al Mutawa Marine worksites by either Al Mutawa Marine employee or other personnel either utilizing or entering onto Al Mutawa Marine worksites is strictly prohibited.
The possession of firearms, weapons, explosives and ammunition on Al Mutawa Marine premises by either Al Mutawa Marine employee or other personnel either utilizing or entering onto Al Mutawa Marine premises is strictly prohibited.
In the interest of security, safety and maintenance of Al Mutawa Marine policy and in accordance with the conditions imposed upon Al Mutawa Marine by law, regulations and agreements with our customers, Al Mutawa Marine will maintain programs that will ensure a safe working environment free of unnecessary hazards.
Al Mutawa Marine has a policy of routine, random and “with cause” drug and alcohol testing.
Al Mutawa Marine’s objective is to provide a tobacco-free workplace for all personnel. Accordingly, all Al Mutawa Marine worksites are designated smoke-free other than in specified smoking areas.
In order to maintain a tobacco smoke-free atmosphere on Al Mutawa Marine worksites, smoking is prohibited in all living spaces.
Smoking in exterior spaces is allowed, weather conditions permitting, with the locations and times to be at the discretion of the Master or other Officer, except for the conditions mentioned below.
- Receiving or transferring fuel, oil or other volatile liquids
- Handling any type of flammable materials
- During emergencies or emergency drills / exercises
- When moored or mooring alongside docks, or piers, or where smoking is prohibited
- While in the immediate vicinity of rigs, platforms, FPSOs or any other offshore installation
- In obvious fire or hazardous operations
The Master, as the Officer in-charge of the vessel and Al Mutawa Marine’s representative, is responsible for implementing and upholding this policy, though other Officers share this responsibility.
All personnel shall receive instruction and training as required for the implementation of this policy. Reasonable efforts will be made to assist smokes to adapt to working conditions under this policy.
Stop Work Obligation (SWO) is the right and duty of each employee to stop a job that is unsafe or that is felt to be unsafe. Any employee can shut down or suspend any job if it is thought than an unsafe working condition exists at any time or at any place. If you or any employee is in doubt whether any health, safety or environmental aspect of any operation is proceeding properly, it is your duty to stop the operation immediately until the condition can be improved or the doubt is resolved.
Stopping unsafe work prevents people from being injured and helps avoid accidents. Al Mutawa Marine will fully support any good faith use of the SWO.
It is the policy of Al Mutawa Marine to provide a secure working environment by establishing and maintaining required security measures, including ISPS, where applicable. Each vessel has a dedicated Ship Security Plan (SSP). This Security Plan contains comprehensive measures and processes to promote security of Al Mutawa Marine assets and to describe recommended processes in response to a wide range of threats. The Ship Security Officer (SSO) and the designate SSO shall be familiar with each vessel’s SSP. All crew members shall have sufficient knowledge of, and be familiar with, relevant provisions of the ISPS Code, including requirements imposed by different security levels and the ship’s security Station Bill.
The Master and Officers are responsible to ensure that no unauthorized visitors board a Al Mutawa Marine vessel.
The wearing of items of jewelry, such as rings, watchbands, earrings, piercing or neck chains whilst on the job is discouraged. Whenever a risk assessment identifies a potential for snagging, jewelry shall not be worn. In particular, jewelry shall not be worn when working around any moving machinery (or object). Where applicable, client jewelry policies shall be complied with.
General Manager
Khaled Al Mutawa